How the Content Marketing Landscape is Changing

Content marketing has been a buzzword for quite a while now. So long, in fact, that now marketers are starting to get antsy, looking for the next big thing. Which way will the pendulum swing?? What’s trending for 2019? After all, if we’re not on the cutting edge, we’re going to be left behind!

But hold up there, partner. Not so fast. No need to panic.

There’s still plenty of room left for content marketing to grow. And in fact, when used correctly and consistently, it’s just as effective as ever. But don’t take our word for it – check out the stats that back it up:

The numbers add up – and what they tell us is that not only do people still engage with internet content, but businesses are finding the results of their content strategies to be significant.

But the question remains: what on earth is next?

After all, even the most effective strategies will stagnate over time. So now that we know content marketing is still valuable, perhaps the question we should be asking is, how do we keep it fresh, engaging, and compelling?

The answer, quite simply, is to think beyond the blog.

Exploring the Realm of Video

We’ve reached a new era, people. Millennials currently make up the largest chunk of the workforce, and Gen Z is hot on their heels. These are two incredibly tech-savvy generations, and they rely heavily on internet content to direct their purchase decisions. But what’s more, the way these generations consume content is unique.

Because of the rapid advances in technology, these generations and even society at large have become more geared toward digesting information that is visually and auditorily stimulating. Only 20% of people will read text on a web page – but a whopping 80% will watch a video. This statistic shows exactly where consumer preferences lie when it comes to assimilating content. And it definitely checks out – because whenever we were given the choice in grade school to read a textbook or watch a movie, didn’t we always choose the video?

Thus, for 2019 you may not need to overhaul your entire content strategy to see more results. Instead, think about expanding your content formats to reach that vast audience that would much rather invest their time in a one-minute product video rather than forge through a 1000-word blog post.

A Formula for Video Success

Now, before you start uploading random pigeon videos from your phone (despite how hilarious they may be), remember that all content marketing requires strategy. Approach it with a plan, and distinct goals in mind. Otherwise, you’re just sending videos out into the ether with no way to gauge their effectiveness.

Start with the basics. Ask yourself questions like:

  • What goals am I trying to achieve? Am I trying to generate new leads, or convert current ones? Or a combination?
  • Where am I going to publish my video content? Will it be across social media platforms, or will it be exclusive to my website? Will it be gated or open-access?
  • What types of content do I want to feature? Examples could include interviews, industry news, behind-the-scenes footage, product features, and highlights, etc. The possibilities are endless, so get your top creative minds thinking of ideas!
  • Who will be creating, editing, and producing my content?
  • How often do I plan to release new video content?
  • What tools will I use to track and monitor my video’s engagement and effectiveness?

These types of questions will get you thinking strategically about video content and help you come up with a hard plan for achieving your objectives. At the end of the day, video content is so much more than just entertainment – it should be working to build brand awareness and revenue!

Don’t Wait to Be Great

The quickest way to ramp up a content marketing strategy is by introducing new, fresh content – and today’s audience has made it clear that they love video. So give the people what they want, and boost your marketing tactics through the power of visual media.

And if you’re not sure where to start, contact the video content marketing experts at The frank Agency. From concept to creation, our team has years of expertise in developing heavy-hitting video content that attracts, engages, and converts – and we can do the same for you.

Why Vertical Videos are the New Norm in Social Media Marketing

When I was in college, I was taught that shooting vertically oriented videos was a big no-no. They said the human eyes are not built to watch videos that way and all TV shows and movies you see are horizontal for a reason. Are they supposed to make vertical TVs now? That was a while ago, and with recent new trends like the launch of IGTV and the new mobile ad format on YouTube, I don’t think what I learned in college is true anymore. The consumer market has spoken and vertical videos are the new black.

When people use their smartphones, they hold them vertically. It’s only natural. The MOVR Mobile Overview Report says smartphone users hold their phones vertically 94% of the time. Vertical is more comfortable, don’t you agree? When people watch videos on their phones, even if it’s a horizontal video, most choose to keep the phone vertical and watch a compacted video with black bars on the top and bottom. They probably won’t watch the whole thing if it’s like that because it’s hard on the eyes. A vertical video, however, takes up all space on the screen, providing more room for your brand to tell a richer story. According to research from MediaBrix, the average viewer will watch 14% of a horizontal video on mobile, but 90% if it’s vertical. This is why Snapchat has evolved so much since it launched in 2011.

Mobile is increasingly the most popular way to receive content, and video is increasingly the most popular form of content to engage consumers. Therefore, a video ad on mobile is the jackpot of digital marketing. Graybo reports that 85% of all web traffic is on mobile and at least 60% of that traffic is video-based. The ratio of mobile viewing to TV viewing is now roughly 50/50, with mobile viewing likely getting the upper hand in the near future.

Software company Animaker did an experiment to prove how vertical videos perform better than horizontal. They created a fun and engaging minute-long video and made two versions of it, one horizontal and one vertical. The videos were promoted separately on Facebook and targeted to the same audience both times. The vertical version reached 58% more people, had 25% more engagements, the cost per click was 150% lower, and 79% more people watched the entire video from start to finish.

Major television networks and movie studios are getting in on the vertical trend as well. According to, 38% of vertical video ads are for the media. Full-length vertical trailers have been released on social media, CBS This Morning now converts its stories to vertical format and publishes them on IGTV the day they air, and now we have HQ Trivia as the world’s first live mobile game show. Shall I go on?

If you continue your video marketing with horizontal videos, you’re losing lots of potential impressions and engagements. A social media agency that knows these trends inside out will get you on the right track. To join the rise of vertical videos and step up your social media marketing, contact us at The frank Agency.