70 LinkedIn Statistics You Need to Know in 2024

LinkedIn continues to be a powerhouse in the professional world, connecting millions of professionals and businesses worldwide. With new features, increased user engagement and expanding advertising opportunities, LinkedIn remains an essential tool for marketers, job seekers and business leaders. As we look ahead in 2024, here are 70 crucial LinkedIn statistics that highlight its growth and influence.

LinkedIn’s Impact and Growth  

The first quarter of 2024 saw an eight percent increase in LinkedIn’s revenue, demonstrating its growing importance in the business world. LinkedIn plays a critical role in decision-making, with four out of five users reporting that it helps them make business decisions. Additionally, LinkedIn’s effectiveness in the job market is evident, as eight people find employment through the platform every minute.

LinkedIn User Statistics  

LinkedIn’s user base and demographics reveal its extensive reach and influence. Almost 92 percent of businesses now incorporate LinkedIn into their marketing strategies, highlighting its crucial role in the corporate world. With a staggering one billion users worldwide, LinkedIn’s growth trajectory shows no signs of slowing down. Projections suggest that between 2024 and 2028, the platform will gain an additional 171.9 million users, a significant 22.3 percent increase.  

1 Billion Members uses LinkedIn

The platform’s user demographics are diverse, with the majority of traffic coming from the U.S. Millennials aged 25-34 who dominate LinkedIn, making up 60 percent of its user base. Gen Z users aged 18-24 account for 21.7 percent, while baby boomers (55+) make up 2.9 percent. LinkedIn is not just for job seekers; 49 million users leverage the platform specifically for job searches, and 64 million decision-makers actively use LinkedIn, with four out of five participating in their organization’s decision-making processes. Available in 26 languages, LinkedIn caters to a global audience, and one-third of its users hold a bachelor’s degree, indicating a highly educated user base.  

LinkedIn Advertising Statistics  

LinkedIn’s advertising capabilities offer unparalleled opportunities for businesses to reach and engage their target audiences. Ads on LinkedIn are six times more likely to convert compared to other platforms, highlighting the platform’s effectiveness. This effectiveness is reflected in LinkedIn Marketing Solutions surpassing five billion dollars in revenue, and brands advertising on LinkedIn are viewed as “higher quality” by 59 percent of users. Furthermore, exposure to LinkedIn ads results in a 33 percent increase in purchase intent among users.  

Marketers benefit significantly from LinkedIn’s advertising platform, reporting up to twice the conversion rates of other channels and double the engagement rates. Utilizing LinkedIn’s conversion tracking tools, advertisers can achieve a 13.5 percent lower cost per acquisition. LinkedIn’s audience also has considerable purchasing power, being twice as likely to buy compared to the average online audience. In fact, 80 percent of businesses utilize LinkedIn ads to promote their products and services.  

LinkedIn Best Social Network for Lead Generation

LinkedIn continues to dominate the digital advertising space, with projections indicating that in 2024, the platform will command over 50 percent of display ad spending and a quarter of digital ad spending. Companies that post content weekly on LinkedIn Pages can see 5.6 times increase in followers and a seven times faster-growing following compared to those posting monthly. LinkedIn Conversion Ads boast four times higher open and engagement rates than traditional email, while Sponsored Messaging achieves twice the open and engagement rates of email campaigns.  

The platform is particularly effective for B2B marketers, with 40 percent considering LinkedIn the most effective platform for generating high-quality leads. Additionally, 77 percent of marketers believe that LinkedIn generates top organic results, and 75 percent of paid social media marketers prefer LinkedIn for launching paid campaigns. Success in lead generation is common, with 82 percent of B2B marketers achieving their goals through LinkedIn.  

Engagement on LinkedIn is further enhanced by specific content strategies. Adding an image to a post doubles comment rates, and long-form content of 1,900-2,000 words attracts more views, likes and comments. Posts with 5, 7 and 9 headings experience significantly higher view rates with increases of 50 percent, 33 percent and 47 percent, respectively. “How-to” posts also perform 31.5 percent better than other content types. Larger images (1200 X 627 pixels) in ads reach 38 percent higher click-through rates, and LinkedIn Live videos generate seven times more reactions and 24 times more comments than static posts.  

To run an efficient advertisement campaign, LinkedIn recommends targeting an audience of at least 300 users, though generally, campaigns aim for 50,000 people. Since its launch in 2021, over 9 million users have activated Creator Mode, highlighting the platform’s emphasis on user-generated content and engagement.  

LinkedIn’s robust advertising features and strategies make it an invaluable tool for businesses looking to maximize their reach and engagement. If you’re ready to take your social media advertising to the next level, check out The frank Agency’s social media services to see how we can help you succeed on LinkedIn and other platforms.  

LinkedIn Business Statistics  

LinkedIn’s influence extends deeply into the business sector. In fact, 82 percent of B2B marketers find success on LinkedIn, making it a vital platform for professional networking, marketing, and business development. An impressive 67 million companies are listed on the platform, reflecting its extensive reach and credibility. LinkedIn plays a significant role in business decision-making, with four out of five users actively driving business decisions within their organizations. This underscores LinkedIn’s importance in the corporate decision-making process.  

82% of B2B marketers succeed on LinkedIn

Active LinkedIn business pages that post weekly witness 5.6 times more follower growth, highlighting the effectiveness of regular engagement. In fact, there are 2.7 million LinkedIn business pages posting weekly, contributing to the platform’s dynamic and interactive environment. This consistent activity is crucial, as 40 percent of users engage with business pages every week, ensuring continuous visibility and interaction.  

LinkedIn is a critical tool for hiring managers, with 50 percent utilizing LinkedIn skills data to fill roles, showcasing the platform’s importance in recruitment and talent acquisition. The platform is also favored by B2B marketers for organic social marketing, with 96 percent using it regularly. LinkedIn’s efficacy in generating high-quality leads is evident, with 40 percent of B2B marketers acknowledging its superiority in this regard. Additionally, 80 percent of B2B marketers use LinkedIn ads to enhance their marketing efforts, highlighting the platform’s value in the B2B marketing landscape.  

Content marketers also recognize LinkedIn’s value, with 77 percent citing it as producing the best organic results. This is further supported by the fact that LinkedIn posts with images see twice the comment rates compared to text-only posts, emphasizing the importance of visual content in driving engagement. LinkedIn pages experience over 2 billion interactions each month, indicating a highly active and engaged user base.  

LinkedIn Engagement Statistics  

Engagement on LinkedIn is robust, with 50 percent of business users using the platform to make purchase decisions. Consistent posting and engagement on LinkedIn lead to significant benefits; businesses that actively post can achieve two times more growth. LinkedIn dominates business search results, offering 99.63 percent of search results for businesses. Approximately 60 percent of users are actively seeking business insights, contributing to the platform’s high engagement rates.  

Active LinkedIn pages experience five times more page views, eleven times more followers and seven times more impressions. Additionally, AI-personalized content can boost LinkedIn engagement by 42 percent. The platform’s job search function is also highly active, with 61 million people searching for jobs weekly and 1.6 billion visits monthly. Weekly, about 40 percent of users engage organically with LinkedIn pages, and employee engagement accounts for one-third of business engagement on the platform. LinkedIn also maintains a 16.2 percent daily active user rate, indicating a highly engaged user base.  

40% of users engage with LinkedIn pages weekly

Harness the Power of LinkedIn in Your Marketing Efforts  

LinkedIn continues to be a vital platform for professional networking, marketing and business development. Its extensive user base, effective advertising solutions and robust engagement statistics make it an essential tool for businesses and professionals. As these statistics show, LinkedIn’s influence is set to grow even further in 2024, solidifying its position as a cornerstone of the professional world. For businesses and marketers looking to capitalize on LinkedIn’s capabilities, staying informed about these trends and statistics will be crucial for success.  

46 PPC Statistics You Need to Know for 2024

In today’s digital age, where online visibility can make or break a business, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising has emerged as a cornerstone of successful marketing strategies. Understanding the latest statistics and trends in PPC is essential for businesses aiming to say ahead of the competition.  

General PPC Statistics

The global expenditure on search advertising is projected to reach a staggering $190.5 billion in 2024, with paid search accounting for nearly 39% of advertisers’ budgets. What makes PPC advertising particularly enticing is its ability to drive conversions, with PPC traffic boasting 50% more conversions than organic advertising. With that being said, it comes as no surprise that 59% of consumers research products online before making a purchase, and 47% of global purchases are completed online, underscoring the importance of a strong online presence.  

PPC has 50% more conversions than organicAdditionally, PPC ads have been shown to boost brand awareness by an average of 80%, making them a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes, as evidenced by the 45% of small businesses using PPC advertising. In addition to having a strong PPC strategy, learn how incorporating link building into your marketing mix can elevate your online presence and drive organic traffic to your website.  

Search Ad Statistics

Search advertising continues to grow rapidly, with spending expected to reach a whopping $190.5 billion worldwide by the end of 2024. When it comes to search ads, Google is the go-to platform for advertisers, controlling 92% of the global search engine market. With advertisers flocking to Google Ads, the competition for keywords is fierce, reflected in the highest average CPC of $8.67 for the legal industry. However, the real estate sector enjoys a more affordable CPC with an average of $.140. Despite the costs, 96% of advertisers continue to invest in search ads, capitalizing on the impressive 50% better conversion rate compared to organic site visitors. Moreover, the projected ad spending specifically in the search advertising segment is estimated to reach $118.2 billion by 2024, further highlighting the immense investment and potential in Paid Search advertising 

Search ads to hit $118.2B by 2024

Display PPC Statistics

While search ads command a significant portion of the PPC landscape, display advertising is also on the rise, with spending projected to reach $190.5 billion by 2024. Programmatic digital display advertising, in particular, is gaining traction with $68 billion or more projected to be what US advertisers will invest in this year. Additionally, 97% of total digital display ad spending in 2026 is projected to be programmatic. This automated approach to buying and placing ads allows for precise targeting and optimization, maximizing the impact of advertising dollars.  

Google’s Display Network stands out for its extensive reach, spanning over 2 million websites. Despite its effectiveness, the average cost-per-click (CPC) varies across industries, with travel and hospitality ads receiving the lowest average CPC of $.044, while dating and personals ads command the highest CPC at $1.49. Even with these variances, display advertising remains a significant aspect of advertisers’ strategies, accounting for 16% of their budgets 

In addition to its reach and targeting capabilities, display advertising has been shown to influence consumer behavior, with 27% of consumers likely to conduct a search after seeing a display advertisement. When a search is conducted after viewing a display ad related to the search, the likelihood of conversion is 59%. The average click-through-rate across all industries on Google Ads is 0.46% for display ads. Furthermore, 85.6% of programmatic display ad spending is allocated to banners, videos, and other display ad units across social networks, indicating the effectiveness of visual content in engaging audiences and driving conversions.  

Display ad viewers have a 59% higher conversion rate

Shopping PPC Statistics

When it comes to online shopping, PPC advertising plays a pivotal role in driving sales and shaping consumer behavior. As evidenced by the 65% of advertisers anticipating an increase in shoppable images within search, visual content is becoming increasingly important in capturing consumers’ attention. Consumers have high expectations for personalized shopping experiences, with 42% of shoppers expecting retailers to have up-to-date information on how they interact across all channels, including in-store, online, and social media. This underscores the importance of omnichannel marketing strategies that seamlessly integrate various touchpoints to provide a cohesive and personalized shopping experience.   

Additionally, insights into consumer behavior reveal 60% of shopping queries on Google Search are users looking for inspiration when narrowing from a broad category to a specific product. This highlights the critical role that PPC advertising can play in guiding consumers through their purchase journey, from initial product discovery to making a purchase decision. Consumer comfort levels with data monitoring and personalization indicate that 41% of shoppers are comfortable with retailers monitoring their shopping patterns and purchases in order to personalize offers. This shows a shift in consumer attitudes toward data privacy and personalization, presenting opportunities for retailers to leverage PPC advertising to deliver tailored messaging and offers to their target audience. As 2.54 billion people are projected to shop online in 2024, the importance of a robust PPC strategy that incorporates personalized messaging and omnichannel integration cannot be overstated.  

Google PPC Statistics

Google Ads remains the undisputed leader in search advertising, boasting an ad revenue of $279.8 billion in 2022. Advertisers continue to place their trust in Google, with 98% rating it as the most trustworthy platform. The introduction of responsive search ads has further streamlined the advertising process, with 84% of paid search advertisers utilizing or planning to use this feature. With Google commanding 73% of the total ad spending in the US and generating an impressive $2 in revenue for every $1 spent, it’s clear why businesses gravitate toward this platform.  

98% trust Google as top platform

There’s no denying Google’s dominance in search, with 62% of all core search queries in the United States generated by Google. This shows the immense reach and influence that Google has over online search behavior, making it an indispensable platform for advertisers looking to connect with their target audience.  

When it comes to performance metrics, the average click-through-rate (CTR) for paid search ads on Google Ads is reported to be between 4 and 6%. This metric reflects the effectiveness of ads in generating clicks and driving traffic to advertisers’ websites, highlighting the importance of crafting compelling ad copy and targeting the right keywords to maximize campaign success. With Google Ads delivering consistently high CTRs and offering robust targeting options, advertisers have the tools they need to reach their desired audience and achieve their marketing objectives.  

Social Media PPC Statistics

Social media platforms have become invaluable channels for PPC advertising, offering brands unique opportunities to connect with consumers. In fact, 37% of online users mark social networks as most influential when finding inspiration for purchases. Pinterest, for example, is expected to rake in $2.91 billion in ad revenue in the US in 2024, attracting 48% of social media users for product discovery and shopping. Meanwhile, Instagram’s sponsored ads strike a chord with users, with 37% finding them relevant to their interests most of the time.  

37% find social networks most influential for purchases

When it comes to ad formats, advertisers have spoken: 32% say video is the most effective social ad format, followed by image ads at 26%, Instagram Stories at 23%, and carousel ads at 19%. This highlights the growing importance of visual content in grabbing audiences’ attention and sparking engagement on social media.  

User behavior on Instagram also offers valuable insights. For instance, 28% of users click the “More” link to learn more about the advertised product or service in 10% of the ads they see. However, not all users welcome sponsored content; 25% hide Instagram ads because they find them annoying.  

Despite this, a significant portion of Instagram users engage positively with video ads, with 24% of users aged 16 and up preferring them the most. This suggests that well-crafted video ads have the power to captivate and engage audiences on social media, making them a valuable tool for advertisers looking to make an impact in the digital space.  

Leverage the Power of Paid Search in Your Marketing Strategy

From search ads to display and social media platforms, PPC offers businesses unparalleled opportunities to reach and engage their target audiences, drive conversions, and maximize ROI. 

With staggering statistics highlighting the continued growth and effectiveness of PPC advertising, businesses must stay informed and adapt their strategies to leverage emerging trends and technologies. Whether it’s harnessing the visual appeal of video ads on social media or optimizing responsive search ads on Google, the key to success lies in staying ahead of the curve and capitalizing on the latest innovations.  

At The frank Agency, we understand the evolving landscape of digital advertising and are committed to helping businesses navigate and thrive in this dynamic environment. With our expertise in Paid Search advertising, we can help you craft targeted campaigns that drive results and meet your marketing objectives.   

Ready to take your Paid Search advertising to the next level? Contact us today to learn how The frank Agency can help you maximize your PPC efforts and achieve your business goals. Learn how our Paid Search services can help you optimize your digital marketing strategy today.  

How to Prevent Click Fraud on Your PPC Ads

The Silent Drain: Why Click Fraud Prevention is Mission-Critical for Marketers 

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, every click counts. However, a hidden threat lurks within the seemingly innocuous click: click fraud. This deceptive practice involves malicious actors generating fake clicks on your paid search and display ads, draining your advertising budget and skewing campaign data. 

Click fraud prevention isn’t just about saving money; it’s about protecting the integrity of your campaigns and ensuring a healthy return on investment (ROI). Here’s why click fraud prevention should be a top priority for every marketer: 

The High Cost of Click Fraud 

Estimates suggest click fraud can account for up to 17% of ad traffic. Imagine the impact on your budget if nearly one-fifth of your clicks are fraudulent. This translates to wasted resources, distorted campaign performance metrics, and ultimately, a hindered ability to reach your target audience.

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Beyond Budget Drain: The Ripple Effect of Click Fraud 

Click fraud’s impact extends beyond immediate financial losses. Here’s how it can negatively affect your marketing efforts: 

  • Misleading Data: Fraudulent clicks skew your campaign data, making it difficult to gauge true performance and optimize targeting strategies.
  • Spam Leads and More Wasted Resources: Fraudulent clicks often lead to spam lead submissions that can look just like legitimate leads. This causes a further drain on resources as somebody must work those leads, spending time reaching out into the void where nobody is waiting for that follow-up. Eliminating potentially fraudulent clicks before they can submit spam leads that clog up the system keeps you focused on real business opportunities. 

What You Can Do to Combat Click Fraud: Prevention and Mitigation Strategies

Combating click fraud requires a multi-pronged approach. Thankfully, there are solutions available to help you prevent and identify fraudulent activity. 

  • Google Ads Click Fraud Prevention: Google implements robust click fraud prevention measures. Their system utilizes advanced algorithms and machine learning to detect and filter out suspicious clicks in real Additionally, Google’s Ad Traffic Quality Team conducts manual analyses to identify and remove invalid clicks before you’re charged.
  • Click Fraud Protection Tools: Third-party click fraud protection tools offer additional layers of defense. These tools employ sophisticated algorithms to analyze click patterns and identify anomalies that might indicate fraudulent activity. They can also help block suspicious IP addresses and user agents associated with click fraud.
  • Campaign Monitoring and Alerting: Regularly monitoring your campaign metrics is crucial for identifying suspicious activity. Look for sudden spikes in clicks, clicks originating from unexpected geographic locations, or clicks occurring outside of normal business hours. Setting up automated alerts for these anomalies can help you take timely
  • IP Address Filtering: You can leverage IP filtering within your ad platforms to block clicks originating from known fraudulent IP addresses. However, this approach requires consistent maintenance to be effective, as fraudsters often switch IP addresses frequently.
  • Close Collaboration with Your PPC Partner: If you work with a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) management agency, ensure they have robust click fraud prevention measures in place. Open communication and collaboration are key to identifying and addressing fraudulent activity promptly.

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Beyond Detection: Fighting Back Against Click Fraud

While prevention is key, there are steps you can take to combat click fraud after it occurs: 

  • Reporting Click Fraud: Most advertising platforms allow you to report suspected click fraud. Be prepared to provide detailed information about the suspicious activity to aid in their investigation.
  • Requesting Click Refunds: Depending on the platform’s policies and the strength of your evidence, you might be eligible for refunds for clicks deemed

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Maintaining Vigilance: Click Fraud Prevention is an Ongoing Battle

Click fraud is a constant threat, and staying vigilant is crucial. By implementing a combination of Google Ads click fraud prevention, click fraud protection tools, campaign monitoring, and ongoing collaboration with your PPC partners, you can significantly reduce the impact of click fraud on your campaigns. Remember, a proactive approach is essential to protect your advertising budget, ensure accurate data, and ultimately, achieve optimal ROI for your paid search and display campaigns. 

The Takeaway: Click Fraud Prevention – An Investment, not a Cost 

Click fraud prevention isn’t an expense; it’s an investment in the future of your advertising efforts. By safeguarding your campaigns against fraudulent activity, you ensure your budget reaches your target audience, delivers accurate data for smarter decision-making, and ultimately, fuels a successful and sustainable marketing strategy. Don’t let click fraud steal your clicks and waste valuable time – act today to protect your campaigns and maximize your ROI. 


Dental SEO: The Complete Guide to SEO for Dental Practices

Dental SEO Essentials: Boosting Your Practice’s Online Visibility  

In today’s digital world, more and more dentists are using online marketing strategies to grow their practices. Digital marketing can assist you in: 

  • Connecting with your target audience more effectively
  • Distinguishing your brand from competitors
  • Increasing conversions
  • Broadening your reach
  • Maximizing your advertising budget
  • Acquiring qualified leads that can be converted into loyal patients

Digital marketing includes a wide array of components like web design, online advertising, content marketing, social media, and email marketing. However, search engine optimization (SEO) is arguably the most crucial element of a successful digital marketing plan for any business.
If your dental practice’s name isn’t among the top ten on search engines like Google, you may be losing potential clients to higher-ranking competitors. Data indicates that over 27 percent of individuals using a search engine to find a local dentist click on one of the top organic listings, while less than three percent select the 10th option.
If you’re eager to enhance your online presence and achieve sustainable growth in a competitive market, our SEO tips for dentists can guide you.

What is SEO for dentists?  

Generally, SEO strategies aim to elevate your dental practice’s ranking on search engines such as Google Search and Microsoft Bing.
To improve your business website’s ranking, you should focus on both on-page and off-page SEO.
On-page SEO involves optimizing your website’s content and technical aspects, including: 

  • Title tags
  • HTML source codes
  • Schema
  • Online tools like Google Ad, Ahrefs, and other keyword generators to identify popular search terms associated with local SEO for dentists 

Off-page SEO deals with ranking factors outside your website, like brand mentions and backlinks. Enhancing your social media presence and link building, which involves acquiring hyperlinks from other websites, are key off-page SEO strategies.
By implementing a robust dental SEO strategy, you can increase your online visibility, attract more visitors to your site, and potentially convert them into loyal patients, thereby accelerating the growth of your dental practice.

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Ten essential practices for developing an optimal dental SEO strategy 

Here’s a look at the top ten strategies recommended by SEO professionals for achieving the highest level of visibility for your dental website. 

  1. Produce online content aligned with search intent, such as informative blog posts or videos on specific dental procedures.
  1. Write inviting title tags and meta descriptions to encourage clicks from potential patients. 
  1. Develop a user-friendly website that loads quickly and is easy to navigate.
  1. Research and identify important keywords for topics relevant to your target audience and use them (organically) in titles, headings, and website content and social media posts. By targeting the right keywords, you’ll draw traffic to your site that is more likely to convert to loyal patients. 
  1. Optimize any images you use on your site by using descriptive file names and alt text that include keywords related to dentists. 
  1. Embed internal links within your website pages to make navigation smoother for the visitor. Internal links also give search engines a better understanding of the structure and content of your site. 
  1. Create high quality, detailed content that thoroughly answers the questions that your potential patients are asking. This type of content performs better and at a higher rank in search engine results. 
  1. Build backlinks that are high-quality, from reputable websites, and relevant to your dental practice. 
  1. Build a website (or update your current one) to meet the Core Web Vitals set of metrics for page load speed, interactivity, and visual stability. Search engines like Google and Bing use these metrics to decide which web pages to include in search results. 
  1. Use HTTPS to secure your website. This shows your visitors that their data is protected, and they can trust your site. Secure sites also rank higher on search engine lists. 

Applying these practices can get your dental practice website to a higher rank on Google or Bing, but you need to keep an eye on your site’s progress, update your web content regularly, and post consistently on social media to get the results you want.

Social media strategies to boost SEO for dentists 

In the United States today, over 302 million people use social media, with a social networking penetration rate exceeding 91 percent. This demonstrates the significant impact social media has on enhancing local SEO for dentists and boosting your online visibility.
To attract more patients and improve your online presence, consider implementing these social media strategies:

  • Organize your objectives. Do you want to link to your website, generate referrals, or introduce your dental practice? 
  • Research your target audience. What are their needs, pain points, and preferences? Adjust your social media posts to speak to their dental care needs.
  • Follow your competitors and get an idea of what’s working for their dental practices or what they’re 
  • Post content consistently. You can use online tools to schedule posts and track performance. 
  • Stay engaged with your followers and your patients on your social media platforms. If you answer their questions, respond to comments and messages, and engage in conversations, you’ll build loyal relationships that help grow your practice.
  • Keep your profiles up to date and use high-quality images, and accurate They should showcase you, your staff, and your dental practice in a professional manner.

Link building tactics for successful SEO for dentists 

Embedding hyperlinks from external online sources improves SEO on search engine results pages (SERPS) and can get your webpage a higher ranking because search engines like Google and Bing consider hyperlinks, also known as backlinks, as votes of confidence for your site’s relevance and authority.
Backlinks also drive traffic to your dental practice’s website or social media pages if users find your link on other websites and think it’s interesting.
To acquire high-quality inbound links from outside sources, consider trying these methods:

  • Contact outside websites directly and ask them to link to content on your website. Also, there are online link building tools that can connect you to reputable sites. 
  • Manually add links to your social media profiles, blog comments, videos, etc. to outside websites. 
  • Create high-quality content like infographics, charts, in-depth guides, data, etc. that others want to link to. 


Types of website content to use for maximum site visibility  

A robust dental SEO strategy is crucial to getting your dental practice’s website into the top ten of a search engine’s rankings. Crafting engaging website content that captivates your target audience is also vital.
Here are various content types you can incorporate into your website to attract high-quality leads and reach your SEO objectives: 

  1. Blog posts that cover a wide range of topics relevant to your dental practice, dental industry news, and interesting local information. Invite experts in the field of dentistry to write blog posts for your site or embed links to their external content within your blogs. 
  1. Data-driven content like research statistics, graphs, and charts. 
  1. Photos and images that express your message effectively. 
  1. Video content that showcases your dental practice and products, or tutorials on different techniques like flossing and brushing.
  2. Interactive components such as calculators and quizzes encourage visitors to spend more time on your site or to share the content with others.
  3. Content pages like landing pages, product description pages, and service pages that address your target audience’s needs and encourage them to click.
  4. Policy pages that provide information about you, your staff, and your dental practice. These typically include “About Us”, “Contact”, and “Privacy Policy” pages.
  5. Content provided by users like patient reviews, comments, and testimonials. This form of user-generated content promotes “brand” loyalty and boosts conversions from visitor to patient. 

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Bringing it all together 

A solid dental SEO strategy may be easy to set up, even for someone who isn’t an expert, but mastering the essentials of SEO is vital for increasing your dental practice’s visibility and ultimately attracting more patients.
If implementing the SEO tips for dentists we’ve listed above seems daunting, you can turn to an SEO agency like us for help.
We can maximize your dental practice’s visibility by optimizing your website content with relevant keywords, ensuring your digital content is mobile-friendly, cultivating strong backlinks through reputable outside sources within the dental community, and significantly improving your search engine rankings.
With an understanding of these essential dental SEO strategy points, your practice can succeed in today’s competitive digital landscape by reaching and engaging with prospective patients more effectively.


What the TikTok Ban Means for Your Business?

Why is TikTok Getting Banned in the US?

All social media platforms collect user data and use it for the purposes of advertising and in order to serve content that is relevant to each specific user. This tracking has long been scrutinized by the United States government with other platforms, including Meta, testifying before congress about how their platform functions.

User privacy is always a conversation that goes hand-in-hand with social media, but what makes TikTok unique and, therefore, uniquely scrutinized?

TikTok owner, ByteDance, a Chinese-owned company, poses a significant enough security risk due to concerns the Chinese government could gain access to sensitive user data. Unless sold to an approved buyer, the United States government will ban TikTok for Americans.

What does the TikTok Ban Bill Stipulate?

The TikTok ban bill (H. R. 8038), states the company that owns TikTok, ByteDance, must sell their shares of TikTok in order to avoid a shutdown. This presents a challenge for ByteDance as the Chinese government has the right to make decisions regarding the sale of the company.



When will the TikTok Ban Take Affect?

TikTok has 9 months to comply with the United State government’s requirements. They will be given the option to extend that deadline by three months. The earliest we will see a TikTok ban in the US, even without the extension, would be January of 2025.

Despite how dire the news that Joe Biden signed a TikTok ban into law might sound, there will be no immediate impact on your TikTok Advertising efforts, neither in regards to paid or organic.

Is a TikTok Audience Still Worth Investing in for Your Business?

Ultimately, the decision about where to place your advertising dollars rests with you. However, we are here to help you make informed decisions about your marketing investments. Here is some additional information to help you decide:


  •  TikTok boasts over 1.5 billion active monthly users, which means it currently has the capacity to reach most target demographics.
  • Given how popular the short-form video application is, we do not anticipate a large increase in the cost per conversions you are able to achieve by advertising on TikTok.
  • We recommend diversifying your advertising portfolio in order to minimize your risk. If a significant percentage of your marketing budget is on TikTok, now would be the time to perform a comprehensive review of your efforts.
  • If your social audience is primarily on TikTok, it is advisable to begin encouraging your TikTok audience to find you on other platforms as well like Instagram and YouTube, who also support short-form video content like TikTok.


Do You Still Have Concerns?

The frank Agency specializes in strategy, content creation, and audience building, and account management in TikTok for Businesses. Feel free to contact us today for assistance gauging how impactful a TikTok ban would be on your overall advertising efforts.