4 of the Latest Trends in Mobile Website Design


2014 was a terrific year for the web, especially in the area of mobile website design. Mobile web has grown leaps and bounds and will only continue to do so in 2015. Here are some of the dynamic trends that thrived in 2014 and will certainly continue to flourish into the new year.

1. Mobile or Nothing

After its groundbreaking entrance onto the scene in 2012, responsive web design has picked up momentum and established itself as not only a trend but a staple. The intuitive, user-friendly formats of responsive web design have taken websites further than notebook or desktop personal computers ever will – right into the purses, pockets, and gym bags of today’s primarily mobile-only Internet browser. According to Time magazine, “the future of the internet is mobile,” which means that in the future, we may see more businesses lean towards a mobile design even before they pursue a desktop version.

If you haven’t transitioned over from a desktop version of your website to a clean, easy-to-use responsive design, allow our top mobile web development team in Kansas City to help you get your site up to par with today’s smartphone users.

2. The Death of Clicking

Sure, clicking isn’t totally dead, but it isn’t getting the kind of love it once did. In line with the move toward mobile-friendly web browsing, more and more sites are choosing scrolling over clicking. Obviously, a long page of scrolling – versus clicking through many pages – is quicker and easier, but it also reduces the need to wait on pages to load. Plus, with the new trend of 3-D parallax scrolling, users are given a more dynamic and interactive browsing experience.

3. Watch and Learn

It’s no secret that the average web browser would much rather watch a video than read lines and lines of text. Well, in 2015, you will only see more mobile website designs that incorporate less text and more videos. Videos offer a unique and personal way to deliver your content while simultaneously entertaining the user and keeping them on your site longer.

4. Say Hello to Flat Design

Long gone are the web designs that feature three-dimensional beveled edges and gradients. Two-dimensional flat designs emerged as most visually appealing to designers and users alike with the release of Apple’s iOS 7. These designs feature minimalist layouts on white backgrounds that are often accentuated with a pop of color here and there and a bigger emphasis on typography. We’ll see if flat designs continue to grow on us in the new year or if they will be overcome by their more embellished, three-dimensional counterparts.

Are any of these current trends included in your existing website design? Contact our marketing agency in Kansas City for information on how to get your site in line with the latest and greatest trends in mobile website design.
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