What to Ask When Choosing a Web Design Agency

Matt Gasper
Web design agency

Having options is a good thing, but having too many options can be overwhelming. With hundreds of web design companies across the country, deciding which digital agency is best for your business could have you stressing, but if you understand your position and what you’re ultimate goals are then it should be a stress-free process.

Does an agency do branding, marketing, and print-based design work?

While some agencies try to separate themselves by focusing on one type of design work, others try to excel across the board and leave no avenue unexplored.

You may only be interested in print-based design… for now. But down the road opportunities for branding and marketing may arise and now you’re back to square one of finding another agency to tackle those additional needs. By expanding your mind and getting familiar with all the areas of expertise certain agencies possess, even if some don’t interest you at this particular moment, it can help you see into the future for what options might come to the forefront in years to come.

What content management system (CMS) do they work with?

The agency can get your website off and running, or it can revamp it with a complete makeover. But understanding the content management system being used can ensure the level of functionality stays at an all-time high long after the initial unveiling.

If the CMS is relatively new or unfamiliar, adequate training time will have to be provided to teach employees how to upload their own content. This can be done while the site is being constructed so everybody is up to speed and ready to hit the ground running once launch day arrives.

How is the marketing team structured?

To make sure everyone is on the same page, it’s best to gather information about the marketing team to know exactly who will be working on the design. Some companies may choose to outsource portions of a project to third parties who you know nothing about. Working with an agency that uses a collective, in-house team is more suitable to make sure there are no hiccups or communication issues along the way.

Would you rather have multiple people, across multiple states and time zones, trying to collaborate on your website? Or would a team working together, from inside a single office, better suit your preferences?

What is their Web Design Process?

Familiarity is crucial. While you likely want your layout to be unique and stand-out in the eye of the viewer, having a designer who is familiar with website structure and implementation will be what separates your site from the competition. Their ability to analyze and effectively use data along with other proven methods can take an already above-average design and make it extraordinary.

Do they align with the latest web design tools?

Out with the old and in with the new. Or in our constantly evolving society, out with yesterday and in with tomorrow!

But you still have to be patient. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is your web design. Wouldn’t it be better to make sure all the kinks are out before launching? Even if it means waiting a few extra days, weeks, or even months for large projects in order to prevent minor errors or editing flaws that could immediately eliminate your agency from consideration. If you’re willing to sacrifice a large investment, be willing to sacrifice a large amount of development time as well.

Do they offer additional Digital Marketing Services?

People are busy. Always busy. There’s simply not enough hours in the day to check everything off the to-do list. But one thing more than 90% of Americans have in common is that they are online multiple times throughout the day.

While traditional marketing methods are still plenty effective, the reach pales in comparison to digital marketing. Being up-to-date on the cutting edge methods to attract consumers digitally is essential with our constantly evolving culture.

Do they have a portfolio and do their clients have a strong online presence if so?

Agencies should be proud of their work. It should not be hard to find samples of what they’ve done in the past. As a prospective client, you can gain a lot from researching some of your top candidates. See how they compete against each other, how they orchestrate creative and unique industry trends, and how they differ from client-to-client.

What better way to check someone’s work than by browsing through their previous clients’ web designs! How does it flow? Are the colors clashing? What would you do differently? Is the text too big/small? How many clicks does it take you to find what you’re looking for?


After your own evaluation and analysis is complete, have a co-worker take a look and get their insight as well. As with most things, it never hurts to have a second set of eyes look it over.

Will you get the most bang for your buck?

We’ve all heard the old adage ‘you get what you pay for’. And choosing a web design agency is falls into this category.

If you are only willing to invest a small amount of capital, expect a small number of enhanced features and capabilities on your site. This is where defining your intentions comes into play. If the goal is simply to create a design with basic colors, text, and a stock photo, that’s great. But if you’re wanting to implement the latest technology trends with motion, up-to-date information, enhanced video capabilities, and interactive avenues, then understanding the money you spend will be rewarded with a great return on your investment.

It’s also important to fully understand what all is included in those costs. Don’t let some of the details slip through the cracks. Are you paying for new website design and to have code applied? Not being transparent could cause you to look elsewhere for coding if the agency only agreed to design the site.

In Summary

If you find yourself mulling over the stressful decision of choosing a web design agency just remember, it doesn’t have to be! Contact us at The frank Agency and we will help you meet all your design development needs for your to stand out in the eyes and ears of your consumers.

Category: Web Development
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