New AdWords Test Feature: Texting Ad Extension

Google AdWords click-to-text feature

Looking for an extra way to connect with customers in your search advertising? Google AdWords has an answer for you to help reach those who may be a little bit phone shy.

In October of 2016, Google rolled out a new click-to-message ad extension that allows users to contact you with absolute convenience. Prior to this release the only option was for users to call, which ignored the large segment of users who prefer to communicate via text.

Let’s walk through how this feature could benefit your business:

You own a restaurant and you want to increase the likelihood that someone will make a reservation there.

  • A customer looking for a restaurant in the Kansas City area does a search on their phone for nearby restaurants.
  • Your ad displays the click-to-message feature “Click Here for Reservations”.
  • Tapping on the texting option launches the SMS app with a pre-written message the user can edit and send back. The pre-written message could be “Hello, I am interested in a reservation.” You can then respond to get more information. “What day and time would you like?”
  • The customer can then continue the dialogue by texting when they would like the reservation, for how many people, etc. Ultimately, you would then confirm the reservation via SMS.

Google Adwords click to text feature

The example above, taken from Google, shows what the new click-to-text feature looks like.

The click-to-text feature provides another flexible option of communication for those interested in your business. The convenience and usefulness of information can provide valuable conversations between you and your consumers.

Get Started Today!

Interested in learning more about how to incorporate click-to-message ad extensions into your current campaigns? Contact us today! As an experienced paid search agency, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you take your paid search to the next level.

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