Bringing the Power of Community to Life
For nearly 30 years, The frank Agency has partnered with the Kansas City Board of Public Utilities (BPU) to create engaging and effective marketing solutions that bring it closer to the community it serves. While our marketing programs have evolved over the years, BPU’s focus has always been about more than just delivering clean water and dependable power. It’s about making customers’ lives more convenient, more comfortable and more affordable. In its quest to connect and engage, Team frank is with BPU every step of the way, defining the strategies and executing the messaging that resonate with customers and employees alike across the full gamut of digital and traditional marketing channels.
Recently our team worked with BPU to re-craft its 100-year-old brand to better express its commitment to community and customer alike. We combined the product with the philosophy to create The Power of Community — the rallying cry for BPU’s corporate identity and messaging across all customer touchpoints.
Direct Mail
Direct mail effectively gets the message out to inform and educate about customer service options that improve convenience while helping save energy and lower monthly usage bills.
Annual Calendar
Every year we partner with BPU to create the annual calendar that goes to all customers and employees. High-end photography of local people and places emphasize The Power of Community theme while keeping the BPU brand front-and-center throughout the year.
With its focus on community engagement, BPU gets the word out on events, programs and its brand promise through a variety of digital ads that rotate through the website for maximum customer exposure.
Social Media
Social media is very important to BPU’s community outreach program, providing a fast and convenient channel to report outages and get out information while helping to build trust and manage its reputation. The frank Agency helped BPU get its social media program off the ground with pages and profiles that reflect its brand and continue the continuity of its messaging.
Responsive Website
We completed a top-to-bottom overhaul of the BPU website with a fresh new look and even fresher new functionality. The new and improved site improves efficiency and information dissemination, and includes easy-to-use features customers expect, like online bill pay and customer service options, across all screen sizes and devices.
BPU is on a mission to help customers use energy more efficiently and save money. We’ve produced a complete series of bi-lingual videos that cover everything from sealing household leaks, to keeping pipes from freezing, to new ways to “go green.” The videos also help educate the community on BPU’s people and the services they provide in a short but impactful format that customers appreciate.